

Support independent reporting on free speech, privacy, Big Tech, media gatekeepers and individual liberty online.

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Reclaim The Net is supported by you, those who care about the future of the internet and are concerned about Big Tech, media, and governments controlling speech and eroding liberties. 

Become a contributing member to keep fighting for individual liberty online. Not only does your donation support our work around free speech, alternative tech, privacy, and individual liberty online, members also get…

✅ featured members-only content multiple times per week,

✅ explorations of established and new forms of alternative-tech so you can live without Big Tech giants,

✅ explorations of government policy that keep you up-to-date with antitrust, digital rights, free speech and privacy online,

✅  features and tutorials on how to avoid Big Tech censorship and host content for yourselves and others,

✅  up to 50% discount on all merch,



How to

Features and tutorials on how to avoid Big Tech censorship and host content for yourselves and others,


Get the latest on new and established forms of Big Tech alternatives,

Expert knowledge

Stay up-to-date with antitrust, policy, and your digital rights,


Up-to 50% off merchandise, with new items added regularly,

Help the cause

Support free speech and digital civil liberties,

As Big Tech and their legacy media gatekeepers continue to exert greater control over the internet, real people are losing their voice and freedoms are being threatened with increasing speed.

At Reclaim The Net, we keep the focus firmly on the censored and independent voices by sharing their stories, amplifying their voice, and reporting on the issues that matter to them.

Big Tech policies are resulting in increased online censorship and legacy media gatekeepers want to control the conversation.

Reclaim The Net exposes the workings of Big Tech monopolies, the media, government, and the subtle (and not so subtle) ways free speech is being eroded in the online era.

Reclaim The Net also gives a platform for emerging technology and independent developers who want to create alternative, privacy-friendly, censorship-resistant solutions to keep free speech alive for future generations.

We Also Cover:

Free speech is one of the critical tenets of a functioning society but it’s currently under attack. Speech is being curbed by government, tech platforms, and more – often with shadowy collusion. Support the fight to reclaim free speech.

Politicians that don’t understand the internet are intent on regulating it – and not always in a way that benefits users. They’re constantly trying to attack free speech and surveil citizens – and lobbyists with massive budgets are helping them do it. Help us push back.

Governments around the world are pushing to introduce Digital ID systems, some of which involve biometrics and can be tied to mechanisms to allow access to state and private services. The privacy risks and the creation of a checkpoint society needs to be challenged.

Big Tech platforms have a monopoly on the way most people communicate and share information. But they’re increasingly user-hostile, agenda-driven, and determined to change their “terms” to police the public conversation. They also collect massive amounts of personal data. Help us hold them accountable.

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are part of a plot for governments to have central control of money, enabling unprecedented surveillance. It would also allow governments to program what you can spend it on. It’s time to speak up for individual sovereignty.

As legacy media begins to die and indie creators and communities rise, the media is doing everything it can to smear and control the narrative. Help us amplify the voice of individuals.

Get Access To Guides and Tutorials:

LEARN HOW to create a website with open source technology

Whether you want to write, produce video or audio, showcase yourself and your talents, or curate the good work of others, having your own website is essential. Don’t put yourself at the mercy of social media platforms or even use website builders that keep you locked in. Create a space online that you control.
LEARN HOW to de-Google your life. Use alternatives and free yourself from Google’s invasive tracking and control​

Google has so many products it can be easy to fall into the trap of having your whole life in Google.

For many people, Google has their emails, their calendar entries, their browsing history, their location history and more.

We explore how to escape.

LEARN HOW to get started with decentralized finance and free yourself from legacy financial institutions​
Decentralized finance (DeFi) is a modern, cryptocurrency-based, decentralized alternative to these legacy financial systems. It offers many bank-like services such as payments, lending and borrowing, and cryptocurrency exchange.  However, instead of relying on centralized institutions, DeFi offers these services via self-governing systems on a decentralized network. 

…and more.

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