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Facebook and Instagram ban Andrew Tate

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Self-described success coach Andrew Tate has been permanently banned from both Facebook and Instagram for violating Meta’s policies on “dangerous organizations and individuals.”

The ban appears to have been influenced by an online campaign against him over his influence on his primarily young audience and statements he made that are accused of being misogynistic.
Tate’s views have been widely shared on Instagram Reels and TikTok. On Instagram, he had over 4 million followers.

In a statement to Daily Mail, he said: “It is very unfortunate that old videos of me, where I was playing a comedic character, have been taken out of context and amplified to the point where people believe absolutely false narratives about me.

“In the last two weeks I dedicated over 1million dollars to charities supporting women. I posted this on Instagram, but Instagram ignored it.

“Internet sensationalism has purported the idea that I’m anti-women when nothing could be further from the truth. This is simply hate mobs who are uninterested in the facts of the matter trying to personally attack me. They twist facts and produce fancy documents full of half-truths and lies to attack people they don’t like.

“I will always have millions of fans around the world and my platform would be a beacon of light, teaching people of all genders and races how to respect one another for years to come. Now these fans can not learn important lessons of love. Why?

“With my Instagram page, I began to prove all of the negative narratives false and show the world tolerance. My fans would follow in my footsteps of tolerance and love and the world would become a better place.

“I was even instructing all of my supporters to be respectful in discourse against those who do not like me. My fans would respectfully and logically reply to death threats. Hate doesn’t fix anything. Love does.

“I was receiving over 10,000 death threats a day on the platform. Instagram ignored it. Somehow I am the villain, when all of my posts were bible verses and charitable donations. Banning me only inspires more internet hate mobs and more division. This will become a weapon of attack for different points of view for the foreseeable future.

“Instagram allowing me to return to educate the youth of today on the importance of respect for one another is the most powerful thing they could do.

“I have nothing but positivity to spread regarding all PEOPLE, whether male OR female, and this has been reflected in all of my recent messaging and posts.

“I am a mixed race man raised by a single mother. I suffered all of the disadvantages of the old world. I am a fantastic role model for all people, both male and female.”

Tate was the subject of a campaign from UK activist group “Hope Not Hate,” which supported the ban.

Joe Mulhall, director of research at the group, said to the BBC that Tate “poses a genuine threat to young men, radicalizing them towards extremism, misogyny, racism, and homophobia.”

He added: “We’ve provided significant evidence to the major social media platforms, including Meta, about his activity and why he must be removed.

“We welcome Meta’s swift action to remove Andrew Tate and we’ll be putting pressure on TikTok to follow this example. They must act now to prevent further spread of these extremist views.”

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