
Alex Jones sues The Young Turks and Brianna Wu for libel

Jones’ suit alleges that the defendants libeled Jones over the summer when they falsely accused him of sending child porn.

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Infowars host Alex Jones has today filed suit against progressive news network The Young Turks and Democratic congressional candidate Brianna Wu for libel. The suit argues that the defendants libeled Jones over the summer by accusing him of sending child porn to Sandy Hook parents when he was actually the victim of a crime.

The suit details how Infowars was targeted by cybercriminals who sent emails containing child porn to Infowars while Jones was being sued by relatives of the Sandy Hook shooting victims. The suit claims that the emails were never opened by any Infowars staff:

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published a tweet saying: “Alex Jones sent child porn to Sandy Hook parents” and used the same headline in a YouTube video

Two. On June 17, 2019, Brianna Wu published a tweet saying: “This is shocking, even by Alex Jones standards. He didn’t just send child porn to the ’#SandyHook families, he threatened to murder them on the air.”

Jones’ attorney, Robert Barnes, added that Jones is only suing those who refused to retract and correct their statements that accused Jones of being the perpetrator:

“For too long, the media feels it can tell any lie or libel about Alex Jones that it wants. Jones, as a strong advocate of both free press and free speech, resisted calls for suing those who continued to lie and libel him. But enough is enough. It is time to fight back. It is time for the truth to come out. Jones only sued those who refused requests for retractions and corrections. Other defendants who similarly fail to retract or correct can look forward to future lawsuits. The media may think it’s Goliath, but it’s time it met David on the battlefield.”

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