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Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese Says He Would Ban Social Media, If Allowed To Be a Dictator

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In an unfiltered admission during a radio interview, Australian Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, has raised eyebrows by placing a social media ban at the top of his wishlist if he was allowed to act as a dictator for five years.

This statement has attracted significant attention amidst proceedings discussing a contentious “misinformation” bill in parliament, stirring concerns about online censorship and the government defining truth.

Albanese, during his conversation with Neil Mitchell, 3AW Radio Host, unveiled his apparent vexation with social media, underlining the issues it poses to the long-term goal-setting for the nation.

The Prime Minister lamented the rise of “keyboard warriors” — anonymous entities using the digital platform to promulgate unfounded information, distorting the traditional news cycle.

“I think the big frustrating thing, if I could do something – maybe ban social media would be it,” he said.

In a precarious state, the Prime Minister’s statement amplifies concerns of those advocating free speech and social media activists. It hints at the potential reinforcement of government censorship, a dreaded scenario as the misinformation bill seeks the green light.

If you’re tired of censorship and surveillance, subscribe to Reclaim The Net.

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