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Don’t Worry: a VPN Will Keep You Secure on the Internet

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With the internet becoming an increasingly bigger part of how people live out their everyday lives, privacy is becoming a bigger priority as well. People are concerned in regards to who might be able to access the sensitive personal, professional, or financial information they send over their internet connection, and rightly so.

Thankfully, there are solutions out there that take a lot of the guesswork out of staying safe and secure on the internet, and a good VPN is among the best of these. The following is a closer look at how a VPN works, the benefits of using one, and who has the most to gain from making the switch.

What Is a VPN and How Does It Work?

According to Statista, approximately 58 percent of the 4.4 billion people around the world are not only online, but use the internet actively and regularly. The great majority of those people never stop to think about data they’re leaving behind as they surf the web or scroll through their social media feeds, but they really should.

When a web user connects to their ISP (internet service provider), the data they send and receive makes its way through multiple servers in order to get where its going. Usually this data is either completely unencrypted or only partially encrypted. At the very least, the user’s IP address can be seen. Plus, the ISP itself will always be privy to what that user does when they’re online.

A VPN (short for “virtual private network”) is a technology that preserves that same internet user’s privacy by creating an encrypted tunnel through which to send and receive data. However, it doesn’t stop at simply scrambling the data and making it unreadable. It also conceals the user’s true IP address by substituting the IP address of the VPN-connected server. Even the user’s ISP can’t monitor their activity under those circumstances, and neither can anyone who may be trying to do the same.

What Are the Advantages of Using a VPN?

The amazing degree of data protection that comes along with using a VPN isn’t the only benefit of going that route. The following are some of the other perks cautious internet users get to take advantage of if they decide to make the switch.

Remote Access: VPN technology lets the user access their information from absolutely anywhere, so it’s a great fit for businesses. Employees can retrieve important documents, send information, or communicate securely from wherever they may happen to be.

Total Anonymity: Although there are software options and proxies out there that can mask IP addresses, they don’t guarantee the user total anonymity when it comes to websites and web applications. A VPN does.

File Sharing: VPN technology makes sharing large files and data of all types over extended periods much simpler, easier, and safer. This makes it a good fit for groups or organizations that need to be able to do this.

Improved Performance: Many VPN users find that their network connection improves significantly once they make the switch. Connection speeds are increased and overall performance is noticeably better.

Bypass Roadblocks: Thanks to the way it hides the user’s true IP address, a VPN makes it possible to access websites or platforms that may be blocked because of international censorship laws, school system filters, or other reasons. It’s also possible to use the VPN to obtain IP addresses from specific countries if needed or desired.

It’s worth mentioning that VPNs can protect users on all the devices they use as well, including their tablets and smartphones. Plus, most VPN solutions are amazingly affordable once they’ve been implemented, especially when people really consider what they’re getting for their money.

Who Needs a VPN Most?

Although anyone can set up and use a VPN if they wish, some people are especially good fits for the technology. They include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following.

Remote Workers: People who travel a lot or work remotely on a regular basis often need to send or access data over connections that may not be secure. Public Wi-Fi connections or network connections in foreign countries and other out of the way places are great examples.

Anyone Doing Confidential Work: Many professionals (e.g. market researchers or freedom fighters) do work that needs to be kept confidential and off the radar to the greatest extent possible. A VPN can ensure that happens.

Torrent Users: Those who use torrent sites to share large files back and forth will have a much easier experience if they use a VPN. Not only does it drastically improve transfer speeds, but it provides adequate privacy protection as well.

The more widespread perpetual internet use becomes, the more concerned people should be with protecting their personal or professional information from prying eyes and misuse. The sooner those interested fully explore their options, the sooner they can start enjoying the peace of mind that comes along with full privacy protection.

Thanks to Sufshark VPN for sponsoring Reclaim The Net.

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