
Greta Thunberg calls for a #DigitalStrike after public gatherings are closed

"Post a photo of you striking with a sign."

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The Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg who rose to fame with her angry speech at the United Nations General Assembly has now addressed fellow activists, urging them to protest from the safety of their homes, considering the on-going Coronavirus outbreak.

Taken-in by her outcry for climate change, many youngsters have started protesting climate change and expressing their disdain for the on-going practices that hamper the environment.

Several thousand students gathered in massive protests and demonstrations in locations such as Madrid and New York.

Whether protests yield any actionable outcome or not is another question altogether.

“The climate and ecological crisis is the biggest crisis humanity has ever faced but for now (of course depending on where you live) we’ll have to find new ways to create public awareness & advocate for change that don’t involve too big crowds,” tweeted Thunberg.

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She then called for a #DigitalStrike on upcoming Fridays wherein users have to post of picture of themselves striking with a sign while using the hashtags #ClimateStrikeOnline #fridaysforfuture #climatestrike #schoolstrike4climate.

“So keep your numbers low but your spirits high and let’s take one week at the time,” wrote the Swedish environmental activist.

In the wake of the coronavirus, Thunberg has now asked her followers to protest online.

While several programs, demonstrations, and protests were planned across the globe for the 50th anniversary of Earth Day in April, Coronavirus is forcing people across the globe to stay indoors and avoid huge gatherings.

The United Nations, for instance, planned several talks in Bonn, Germany which are now going to be either canceled or postponed to control the virus outbreak.

Tweeting about how the coronavirus can be controlled by avoiding public gatherings, Thunberg wrote: “We can’t solve a crisis without treating it as a crisis and we must unite behind experts and science. This of course goes for all crises. Now the experts urge us to avoid big public gatherings for a better chance to #flattenthecurve and slow the spreading of the coronavirus.”

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