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Hillary Clinton will be a keynote speaker at a cybersecurity expert event

It will be interesting to hear what cybersecurity topics Clinton will speak about.

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Since Hillary Clinton does not want (so far) to run for president and humiliate herself once again in a seemingly futile battle against Donald Trump, she is searching for other places to be useful. Sadly, her choices leave us confused and amused. Her upcoming speech at the Fire Eye Cyber Defense Summit is a big irony as we all know that Mrs. Clinton is not the best when it comes to IT issues.

As many may remember, Hillary Clinton’s e-mail server was hacked, but it was barely protected in the first place. The next keynote speaker for the cyber defense summit was terribly incompetent in regards to cybersecurity. Mrs. Clinton allowed her e-mail servers to be maintained by under-qualified people. A small IT company set up a couple of unprotected servers in the downtown of Denver and managed the security of e-mails containing highly sensible information. The report from The New York Post was an eye-opening piece of investigative journalism.

Despite recommendations from several people including employees of the company responsible for the e-mail server management, Mrs. Clinton did not change service providers. Her e-mails were promptly leaked. In fact, you can still check them out at WikiLeaks.

How a person who managed to fail so miserably will speak about cyber defense issues and potential threats to the National US cybersecurity is beyond comprehension. She will most certainly leave out this saddening incident and talk primarily about more pressing issues such as Russian hackers who, according to Rachel Maddow, are very dangerous!

While all this craze surrounding the conspiracies about Russians meddling in the US elections and giving Mr. Trump a helping hand is up to debate, cybersecurity should be discussed as seriously as possible. It is hard to keep believing the maddening ramblings from Mrs. Maddow who loses viewers and relevance faster than Clinton’s e-mails were leaking. Yet, we have to consider the possibility that Russian propaganda could penetrate the political discourse in the US. Protecting the informational space is crucial.

Hopefully, Mrs. Clinton’s humbling personal experience regarding cyber defense won’t be an issue, and she will deliver a meaningful speech at the upcoming summit.

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