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Scotland wants feedback on its digital ID plans

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The Scottish government said it has launched a digital identity public engagement project. In a blog post, communications manager Joseph Walton said that individuals involved will help with the definition, design, and delivery of the digital ID system.

The government is working on a digital ID to make people verify their identity digitally and online.

“Through many rounds of user research, listening to stakeholders, experts, and the public, we have built on the themes first raised within our discovery research to develop the service,” Walton wrote.

“Now, as we look to start rolling out and scaling the service in 2023, we are working with independent research and insight company BritainThinks to hear specifically from people who may use the service.”

He called for public engagement in five key areas related to the development of a digital ID system; security, choice, trust, control, and ease of use.

The government wants people to share their feedback with the government by emailing, [email protected]

“A deliberative research methodology is taking participants on a journey through these themes, providing information that allows them to come to an informed viewpoint on the issues at hand,” Walton explained.

“The participants are exploring how the digital identity service could help them apply for public services. They will be hearing from experts in security, inclusion, and privacy. And they will be giving their views on the decisions we need to make about the program.”

54 people aged 16 years and above are participating in the public engagement project, including “people who may face barriers to the use of digital identity and digital services.” A free webinar about the digital ID project will be held on November 16.

A report on the project will be published early next year.

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