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Senator Rand Paul criticizes DHS for social media censorship, says the greatest purveyor of “disinformation” was government

Using third parties as "a clearing house for information to avoid the appearance of government propaganda."

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“Disinformation” was and continues to be a big part of the Covid pandemic story – which performed something of a “magic act” and disappeared – just as other global crises started to grip the planet.

But, the issue of disinformation – once reserved as a means to comprehensively and effectively both denounce and censor skeptics of lockdowns, Covid vaccines, and the rest that those dark few years brought our way – is now being examined by the “other side.”

In other words there are still those who want to know what exactly accusing people of disseminating “disinformation” was all about – even medical professionals and scientists with nothing more than questions.

And where did the virus come from, and how, why, and when it spread.

One of those who appears like he wants to get to the bottom of a great “character assassination” of anyone not toeing the official Covid pandemic line, particularly on social media, is US Senator Rand Paul.

And he doesn’t seem to be in the mood for delivering his rhetorical punches with any holds barred. In a video published on Twitter, Rand straight up called the US government out as “the greatest purveyor of (Covid) disinformation.”

Why? Because of the sheer power that the government had over every person in the US and the way these people’s lives have been reshaped to fall into the narrative.

Senator Rand made his statements on Tuesday during a committee hearing organized by the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Governmental Affairs.

Rand zeroed in on the origin of the virus, and the attention, or lack thereof, that the US government decided to pay to that particular issue.

Rand believes the pandemic was “the greatest national security threat” facing the US in modern history – and yet somehow the DHS seems to show little interest about how it all came about.

And what came about is Covid putting a solid brick in the now ongoing and developing global economic crisis, and in public health – not from the virus itself, but from the measures to fight it, that delayed treatment of other serious diseases.

Senator Rand specifically wants to know if US taxpayer money went into funding a Chinese lab from where all this was allegedly unleashed onto the world.

“Instead of focusing on real threats like this, DHS was internally strategizing on how it can expand social media censorship of Americans using third-party non-profits as, in the words of a CISA official who said, ‘a clearing house for information to avoid the appearance of government propaganda’,” said the senator.

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