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UK Asda grocery store worker fired for posting Billy Connolly comedy clip on Facebook

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In the latest crazy story from the UK, grocery store Asda has fired a checkout worker Brian Leach, 54, on the grounds of violating the company’s social media policy, just by sharing a popular Billy Connolly comedy clip on Facebook.

Unfortunately, several of his colleagues reported to Asda, complaining that the skit contained several “anti-Islamic comments”. Despite deleting the post and writing an apology to his colleagues and bosses, Brian was fired from Asda after five years of service.

“Unfortunately, I have today been dismissed from Asda. Some of my colleagues took offense to the Billy Connelly, (sic), thoughts on religion, that I posted early May…It’s been a pleasure working with my friends and serving the public of Dewsbury and I will miss my regular customers x,” wrote Brian, after being fired from his job at Asda.

The video that led to the disabled senior citizen’s termination was a live stage act from Connolly’s “Religion is Over”. In this video, Connolly ridicules and criticizes the followers of Islam and Christianity. Lines such as, “Take your Reformation, your Vatican, your f***ing Mecca, and f*** off,” were part of the video shared by Brian.

Leach said that he felt he was unjustly removed from his job and that he has now appealed. While Brian doesn’t want to work at Asda anymore, he said he simply wanted his bosses and colleagues to accept that his termination was unfair.

Brian further pointed out to the fact that Asda sells several DVDs of Connolly’s standup acts, which include the video clip he posted. He added that he regrets posting the video, but he expressed that he felt the line, “Suicide f***ing bombing – now there’s a bright idea. Every time there’s a bang the world is a w***er short. F***ing idiots,” seemed very funny.

While he expected a written warning, termination came out as an unexpected blow. As of now, he’s said to be working at an ice cream parlor.

A spokesperson for Asda have the usual reply and said, “We would never comment on individual circumstances. However, we do not tolerate any form of discrimination from colleagues or customers and take such behavior extremely seriously.”

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