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YouTube’s latest coronavirus update is likely to cut homepage recommendations to independent creators

YouTube’s coronavirus changes are making it increasingly difficult for the independent creators who helped build the site.

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YouTube has rolled out another change that’s making it harder for independent creators amid the coronavirus outbreak.

From today, YouTube has started promoting “authoritative sources” (legacy media outlets that YouTube deems to be trustworthy) on its homepage via a coronavirus news shelf.

The change is likely to cause a drop in homepage recommendations for independent creators as an increased proportion of homepage recommendations will now presumably go to authoritative sources via this coronavirus news shelf.

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The coronavirus news shelf has launched in 16 countries and YouTube plans to expand it to more countries going forward.

These authoritative sources were already being promoted in YouTube searches and recommendations related to the coronavirus before this coronavirus news shelf launched.

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And YouTube is also directing users to coronavirus information via large health alerts, even when they don’t search for topics.

In addition to prominently boosting authoritative sources via several of YouTube’s pages and features, the site is also picking and choosing which channels are allowed to monetize coronavirus content, with “news partners” getting preferential treatment in this area.

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