In a move that many are seeing as blatant corporate censorship, YouTube has taken down the bombshell Project Veritas report which revealed that its parent company Google is using AI to filter out content that creates undesirable outcomes for Google.
The takedown of this video seemed to be imminent when Project Veritas received two questionable YouTube privacy complaints about sections of the report. Project Veritas had received similar privacy complaints on its previous investigative report into Pinterest’s internal blacklists which led to that report being taken down by YouTube. It was suspected that YouTube would eventually respond to these new privacy complaints in the same way and delete Project Veritas’ report on Google’s biased AI.
While YouTube has taken down the video under the veil of privacy complaints, the reasoning is suspicious because the complaints were filed against sections of the video featuring Google employees who were suggesting that Google’s AI is biased. Presumably, these complaints were filed by at least one of these Google employees which would mean that both employees of Google and the company itself have used privacy complaints to censor information that’s undesirable to Google.
According to James O’Keefe, the head of Project Veritas, the video was nearing 1 million views and 50,000 likes when it was deleted – a huge amount of exposure and engagement considering it was live for less than 24 hours.
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Although the video’s no longer on YouTube, it is still available on other platforms including BitChute where it’s rapidly gaining traction and already has 80,000+ views.
This is probably the most egregious example of big tech censorship we’ve seen to date. While Project Veritas’ previous investigative report on Pinterest’s internal blacklists was heavily censored by YouTube and Twitter, Pinterest is a separate corporate entity. In this instance, we’re now seeing a single corporate entity seemingly use its own employees and subsidiaries to censor content which the parent company Google probably doesn’t want the public to see.