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Facebook permanently bans Brandon Straka and his #WalkAway Campaign

Hundreds of thousands of followers and testimonials were removed in an instant.

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Facebook has banned the #WalkAway Campaign – a popular grassroots movement that encourages people to walk away from “the divisive tenets endorsed and mandated by the Democratic Party of today.”

The far-reaching ban has impacted the campaign’s main Facebook group (which had over 500,000 followers), its main Facebook page (which had over 182,000 followers), and every member of the #WalkAway Campaign team, including its founder Brandon Straka.

Not only has the ban resulted in the loss of a Facebook group and page where hundreds of thousands of supporters of the #WalkAway Campaign were able to connect and organize but it has also caused hundreds of thousands of testimonial videos to be purged.

Tracy Beanz, who was listed as an admin on the page and says that she hadn’t taken a single action on behalf of #WalkAway, added that her personal account has been disabled with no opportunity to appeal the decision.

Straka described the sudden purge of #WalkAway Campaign as “horrifying.”

The digital erasure of the #WalkAway Campaign is the latest of several major social media censorship developments since Wednesday’s storming of the US Capitol.

Big Tech companies responded to the events by silencing the President and removing his posts calling for people to peacefully go home.

Other supporters of President Trump have also been purged such as Lin Wood and his FightBack legal fund.

And Facebook is banning photos and videos from protestors as part of its new censorship measures.

Despite the mass censorship, the mainstream media and public figures are pushing for even stricter measures with former First Lady Michelle calling for Big Tech to permanently ban President Trump.

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