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Facebook and Instagram delete Project Veritas vaccine video for “misinformation” that could cause “harm”

The video was removed within hours.

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Facebook and its subsidiary Instagram have removed a new video from the undercover reporting operatives Project Veritas under its “misinformation” policy.

“We encourage free expression, but we don’t allow false information about COVID-19 that could contribute to physical harm,” the Facebook message shared with Project Veritas read.

Facebook didn’t specifically state which part of the video caused them to decide to delete it.

The video in question featured a whistleblower from the Health and Human Services Department (HHS), registered nurse Jodi O’Malley, making allegations that the federal government were underreporting the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines.

In the video, O’Malley was discussing with Dr. Maria Gonzales, an ER doctor, who alleges that not all patients suffering from heart inflammation after taking the vaccine are being reported. “But now, they [the government] are not going to blame the vaccine,” Dr. Gonzales said of a patient who had suspected myocarditis.

On hearing of Facebook and Instagram removing the video, O’Keefe made another video sharing the news of the deletion of the video. “We’ve just learned that Facebook and Instagram have taken down this video, and we have a screenshot here which we received from Instagram…It says ‘your post goes against our community standards on misinformation that could cause physical harm.”

O’Malley disputed that the video contained any misinformation. “All I did was just record it,” O’Malley said. “I recorded their statements and I recorded the actual diagnosis, right, now they’re telling the physician the diagnosis patient is misinformation.”

The deletion of users’ posts based on Facebook’s policy on removing content about “COVID-19 that could contribute to physical harm” was first reported around April of 2021 and is often used on posts that question the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines.

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