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Conservative organization CPAC says it will push for government regulation of Big Tech

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Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) chairman Matthew Schlapp has criticized Google for removing a video of President Donald Trump’s speech at the recent CPAC event.

Schlapp criticized the decision by Google in a letter to Google’s CEO. The letter, according to Breitbart, began by stating that the censorship was disappointing but not surprising.

YouTube said the video was removed for misinformation about the 2020 presidential elections. Schlapp insisted there are credible reasons to question that election.

“Regardless of your personal beliefs and those of your senior leadership (not to mention your absolute liberal bias), there remain very serious questions about the way the 2020 election was conducted. Removing our content does not erase those questions, no matter how hard you try. Indeed, it is telling you offer no evidence that would demonstrate any falsity in the content you censored,” Schlapp wrote.

He also argued the video should not have been removed because it contained other non-controversial topics.

“Moreover, your action was needlessly indiscriminate. Aside from a discussion of the 2020 election, topics you censored include: Putin’s thuggery, the rise of antisemitism, and the need to value all human life. But I guess those concepts can be sacrificed on the altar of Orwellian political correctness,” the letter reads.

Schlapp then compared Google to Russia’s President Putin.

“How ironic that during a dangerous time when autocrats like Vladimir Putin deny free people their rights in Russia and the Ukraine, Google would act similarly to stifle differing perspectives here at home,” he wrote.

The CPAC chairman then proceeded to threaten Google that CPAC will use its influence to push for regulation that would see Google held responsible for biased censorship.

“Such treatment of Americans cannot stand. CPAC will appropriately use its voice to urge conservatives in state capitals across the country, and the new majority in Congress come November – to pursue appropriate government regulation and legislation to hold Google accountable for its censorship. Neither Google nor its YouTube subsidiary can be allowed to run roughshod over the rights of Americans who are simply voicing their political beliefs.”

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