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French citizens without booster shot will be locked out of parts of society

Vaccine passport deactivated.

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French residents over the age of 65 will have their vaccine passports deactivated if they do not take the booster shot when they are eligible. The vaccine passport is required to access most entertainment and leisure venues.

The French government recently announced that booster shots are available. All people over 65 are eligible for the booster shots if it has been six months since their second dose of the vaccine.

Related: How vaccine passports are crushing freedom, privacy, and civil liberties

The government said seniors above the age of 65 who do not get their booster shot when they become eligible will have their vaccine passport deactivated and so they will be locked out of much of society.

If it has been six months since the second dose of the vaccine, the government will allow those eligible five weeks to get the booster shot. The government will begin enforcing the new rule on December 15.

Other groups who are eligible for the booster shots include those with underlying conditions and health workers. However, their passes will continue to work even if they do not get the booster shot.

The booster shots will become available to those over the age of 50 in early December.

In France, the vaccine passport is required when entering venues such as bars, restaurants, other entertainments and leisure venues, and long-distance train travel. Aside from being fully vaccinated, one can get the pass if they have recently recovered from Covid or for having a negative test in the past 72 hours.

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