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Twitter locked out congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene for 12 hours

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Twitter temporarily suspended the account of Marjorie Taylor Greene, a newcomer to Congress from Georgia. Greene was temporarily locked out of Twitter for continuing to claim election fraud.

House Rep. Greene was temporarily suspended from Twitter for 12 hours on Sunday.

“The account referenced has been temporarily locked out for multiple violations of our civic integrity policy,” a spokesperson for the social media platform said on Sunday.

Over the past few weeks, some of her tweets have been flagged as “misinformation” and could neither be “replied to, retweeted, or liked due to a risk of violence.”

The congresswoman shot back in a statement, saying “The borderline monopolistic stranglehold a few Big Tech companies have on the American political discourse is out of control.”

She referenced the de-platforming of President Trump by “the Silicon Valley Cartel” and the “purging” of “an unknown number of conservatives.”

Last week Twitter launched a crackdown of accounts.

In her statement, Greene accused Big Tech platforms of suppressing views.

“If a conservative dares to utter a political opinion that is deemed unapproved by the internet police they are now subject to false accusations of “inciting violence” simply for having a conservative view.”

Therefore, “Congress must act, and act swiftly, to protect free speech in America.”

“Conservative Americans shouldn’t be afraid to speak their mind. They shouldn’t have to fear being canceled by American corporations where they work, do business, and use services,” she added.

According to Greene, “The censorship has got to stop.”

“If social media platforms continue down the dangerous path of sitting in the judgement seat of whose political opinions are right and wrong, they will eventually fall from glory,” Greene said in a statement.

If you’re tired of censorship and surveillance, subscribe to Reclaim The Net.

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