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Rand Paul Speaks Out Against Two-Tiered Justice System Exposed in Police State Documentary

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Emphasizing concerns over perceived justice disparities under the Biden administration, Rand Paul, the Republican Senator from Kentucky, has argued that Americans nation-wide are apprehensive about expressing political views. Speaking at The Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC prior to a showing of Dinesh D’Souza’s latest movie Police State, Paul explained that people are fearful due to the Biden administration’s treatment of individuals who dissent politically.

In D’Souza’s film, the issue of the administration targeting citizens is investigated. The film screening was well-received, winning the endorsement of President Donald Trump and other significant figures. The documentary is currently on Rumble.

As reported by The Daily Signal, Paul elaborated that citizens hesitate to vocally support campaigns or participate in them due to the possibility of a double standard. He further noted that a one-time prevalent problematic trend in the U.S. was inequality before the law based on race.

“It’s not about the color of your skin so much as the shade of your ideology. And people are worried about this. They are very concerned. And I think it’s something that the movie will help draw attention to and hopefully will allow us to win some battles up here to bring back the checks and balances that will keep power from centralizing,” Paul said, according to the outlet.

“It’s always about centralization of power,” he added. “It’s about too much power as well. Power without checks and balances. Hopefully, ‘Police State’ will help legislators up here to know how important it is that people be treated the same and that the same standard of justice be there for all of us.”

Paul believes that the power is tipping toward the center, unchecked and unbalanced. He expressed hope that the movie “Police State” will help legislators realize the importance of fundamental fairness for all and striving for a uniform standard of justice.

Jordan commended Trump’s positive outlook amidst scrutiny from federal agencies and simultaneous impeachment proceedings. To counter this misuse of power, Jordan advocated for the necessity of oversight by the legislative branch to transform media behavior as well as legislation and appropriation processes.

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