There are some big debates in the United States that the rest of the world may not readily understand without looking into them and discovering the pressing nature of these debates, such as race, gender, and climate.
Now, the internet, of course, is for the whole world – and that’s something many participants in online forums and social media lose sight of as they communicate, debate, or argue their case online. Globalism notwithstanding – our experiences are by and large determined by the culture we grow up and live in.
Accordingly, in the US, such things as “feminism,” and, “men’s rights” – still appear as relevant topics.
And on the internet, we also have such things as closed and centralized, tightly controlled social media networks, like Twitter and Facebook – that tend to control the way content is surfaced and censor and ban users seemingly at will.
As a counterpart, there have been networks that cater to the free and open source, decentralized crowd, like those based on the Mastodon protocol.
One of the social networks to emerge from this distributed protocol – though not without some soul-searching and knee-jerk reactions by those who, before they were challenged by real-life internet scenarios, swore by the free and open source model – has been Gab.
By and large seen as a refuge for those who cannot or do not want to participate in places like Twitter, Gab seems to be delivering on what it says on the box: it’s for everyone.
Accordingly, Mary Kate Fain has now spun her own Gab server, called Spinster – and it’s a network that’s all about feminist free speech.
And it’s a popular effort: “The platform launched on Monday, and has been overloaded by users signing up,” reports said.
As a Feminist Current report recalled, Fain butted heads with social media giants for criticizing their censorship and failure to support women – as they put promoting gender identity ideology above that cause. In the interview, announcing the new social platform, Fain is interviewed by Meghan Murphy.
Stating that “men aren’t women” was Murphy’s undoing on Twitter earlier in the year, as Reclaim The Net reported.