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Freedom Convoy fundraiser and organizer Tamara Lich is denied bail

Lich faces 10 years if convicted.

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In another blow to freedoms in Canada, the Freedom Convoy leader and organizer Tamara Lich has been denied bail by an Ottawa judge this Tuesday morning.

Lich requested to be released on a $5,000 bail bond.

However, the judge, Ontario Court Justice Julie Bourgeois, denied Lich bail for the “protection of the public.”

“There is a substantial risk you will continue these actions and will not abide by an order,” the judge told Lich. “…Your detention is necessary for the safety and protection of the public.”

“I cannot be reassured that if I release you into the community that you will not reoffend,” Bourgeois said.

The judge also said that Lich’s attitude was “almost to be obstructive.”

“The accused is liable, upon conviction, a lengthy term of imprisonment,” the judge noted.

Lich, aged 44, who appeared in court on video link, was arrested last week and faces several charges of mischief, counseling to commit mischief, counselling to commit the offense of disobeying a court order, and counseling to obstruct police.

Lich was ordered not to make any contact with other protest organizers without the presence of a lawyer.

Lich is set to appear before a judge again on March 2nd.

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