
Big tech’s little helpers: How the mainstream media enable and encourage big tech censorship

?This is the three-stage process mainstream media outlets use to silence people.

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The mainstream media has historically been referred to as the “Fourth Estate” due to its significant social influence.

Traditionally, the responsibility of this Fourth Estate has been to act as a counterbalance to governments and powerful corporations by questioning those in power, providing transparency, and acting as a watchdog for the people.

With the rise of big tech platforms and the huge centralized power they hold over people’s ability to communicate and the distribution of information, this responsibility of the Fourth Estate is more important than ever.

Yet instead of acting as a counterbalance to these big tech platforms by questioning the negative impact of their policies, shining a light on the censorship of their users, and giving a voice to the people who are affected by their actions, many mainstream media outlets have abandoned this responsibility and are actually encouraging big tech platforms to silence their users…

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